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Micro Needling

Amanda Richardson

Microneedling is a procedure which makes use of a micro needling pen such as the Dr Pen, containing ultra-fine sterile needles. The needles are injected into the skin which leaves small punctures and surface bleeding. The pain is very low level because the needles just prick the layers of the skin, however numbing cream can be used for deeper medical micro needling

The small channels created by the needles are like wounds, which stimulate the collagen to start forming. The body stops producing more collagen as a person ages. Microneedling the face & neck skin is a way of reminding the body to restart the collagen and elastin production process, which then leads to the formation of a new layer of skin which is thicker and smoother than before.

Micro needling helps in removing dark spots, surface scarring, fine wrinkles, crow’s feet, acne scars, dark circles and bags under the eyes to give your face a glowing and healthy look. The facial skin becomes firm and smooth giving you a younger look.

Medical micro needling can be undertaken every 4-6 weeks, starting at depths of 0.5mm and going up to 2.5mm.....collagen formation starts at 0.5mm, and the deeper depths are more for scar tissue treatment

Cosmetic needling which is up to 0.25mm can be done every couple of days, to help products penetrate the skin more efficiently.

The needle tips come with different numbers of needles, depending on what you want to achieve. The less needles, the more aggressive the treatment ie 9 or 12 needles will be more aggressive than the 36 or 42 pin needles, so people tend to use the 9 or 12 pins for medical micro needling and the 36/42 pins for cosmetic needling

There are so many cocktails you can use, that will be infused into the skin. A basic one is Hyaluronic Acid such as Hyaron, and this can be used on it’s own, or you can start adding other good stuff, such as peptides etc to feed the skin




Disclaimer: I am not a nurse or licensed aesthetician & I do not perform these treatments on others. It is perfectly legal for me to do them on myself and share with everyone. This site and any information on it is for entertainment purposes only. I will not be held liable for any actions taken by anyone else. 

-Amanda Richardson 2024-

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