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Human Placental Extract Explained

Writer: HazelHazel

Used for many decades in Japan and Korea. human placenta extract (HPE) is a normal part of medicine. This therapy has now broken through to being used in many other countries. This use is largely medical; however, it has now become popular in the wellness industry.

Image by Chris0223 from Pixabay

What is Human Placenta Extract?

The process of creating this interesting product is quite in-depth and starts, naturally, with a pregnant volunteer. The woman is screened and asked several questions regarding her health, lifestyle, travel history and more. The placenta is collected after a planned delivery, it is then cleaned, sterilised, and tested. The next step processes it into a powder to be reconstituted into a liquid.

Uses and Effects

So how is this wonder drug used? In South Korean medical settings, these drugs are primarily used for menopause symptoms and chronic hepatitis (liver disease). However, as time went by and studies were done, it was found these medications had various benefits and effects such as:

  • Being anti-inflammatory

  • Promoting wound healing

  • Being antioxidant

  • Hair growth/acceleration where there was loss/slow growth

  • Accelerating healing injuries such as ligament damage

Adoption by Other Industries

It’s common for breakthroughs in aesthetics, cosmetics and wellness to be based on medical products. After all, they’re medically proven and often promote wound healing. Where there is wound healing, there is a chance to rejuvenate the outside as well as the inside. Animal placenta extract had already been used in some topical cosmetics but there was room for more.

Human placental extract (HPE) is seen as a step above, it’s made up of several biologically active substances cherished by those seeking youthfulness and wellness. These include:

  • Amino Acids (Eg: alanine, arginine) – Known as the building blocks for protein

  • Vitamins (Eg: B6, B12) – Nutrients required to function and promote health

  • Growth Factors (Epidermal, Fibroblast) – Proteins that stimulate cell growth

  • Cytokines – Molecules that send messages between cells


Image by BiancaVanDijk from Pixabay

Prominent Products

Two of the first HPE products created are Melsmon (1956) and Laennec (1974) and are still in use to this day. During various studies and tests, they were found to help with many various ailments like:

  • Painful/stiff joints

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Muscle pain

  • Depression

  • Skin issues

Melsmon was created to assist with menopausal and menstrual issues and Laennec with liver conditions. Therapeutic clinics now use them for the above ailments but also for skin rejuvenation.

What is Laennec?

Known as a powerful hepatoprotector, it promotes complex rejuvenation and restoration of the body at the cellular level. It’s creators state that it gives “antioxidative protection and restoration of metabolic processes in tissues, increases general immunity, effectively heals the body in a natural way”.

Laennec has been successfully used for many years in South Korea, the USA, Canada and the countries of the European Union. In cosmetology it is used in the form of injections for rejuvenating the skin of the face and body, as well as for treating hair and scalp.

How Does it Help the Skin?

  • Improves skin tone, texture, elasticity and moisture level

  • Enhances the synthesis of collagen and elastin, by stimulating the growth of collagen and fibroblasts

  • Reduces the downtime of other aesthetic interventions, including plastic surgery

  • Assists in the treatment of various forms of hair loss

  • As an adjuvant therapy for other skin problems such as psoriasis, acne, dermatitis etc

Safety and Contraindications

Laennec is extremely well tolerated, and studies show allergic reactions make up less than 0.4% of cases. Contraindications for use are pregnancy, breastfeeding, use in children and hypersensitivity.

Laennec can prolong other aesthetic procedures such as fillers and threads, does not interact with botulinum toxin muscle relaxers and does not interfere with cosmetic device-assisted procedures such as microneedling, laser, or radio frequency.

The methodology used can vary. An IV drip or intramuscular injections can be used with the average course duration 1-1.5 months and maintenance at longer intervals after. Results are usually noticeable after a few procedures.

As with all medications, there are potential side effects, these include allergic reactions, temporary drowsiness, irregular menstruation and very rarely, liver issues and headaches.

Safety and Sourcing

These two popular HPE products are strictly governed at a state ministerial level. Stringent protocols must be adhered to, and donors are tested for several things such as DNA/RNA abnormalities, HIV, vCJD, viruses, bacterial infections, STIs, cancer and more. Explicit consent is gained each time and all batches are traceable. While JBP states that off-label use of Laennec is to be “avoided”, many are having success with it helping them feel and look younger.

However, diligence is always required when considering a product not previously used! Clinics and medical professionals will always be happy to guide you through their processes and if acquiring directly, ensure you use a reputable source.

Still Curious?

Click here to watch Amanda's video on HPE! Or if you're already considering these treatments you can watch this video here where Amanda explains the differences between them.



Sara Grace
Sara Grace

Hi! Just wanted to check on Amanda. How is she doing with her treatment? Does she still have a Facebook group? I can’t find it. I wonder how she is doing often. I hope she is well!


Disclaimer: I am not a nurse or licensed aesthetician & I do not perform these treatments on others. It is perfectly legal for me to do them on myself and share with everyone. This site and any information on it is for entertainment purposes only. I will not be held liable for any actions taken by anyone else. 

-Amanda Richardson 2024-

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